AP/LM Otero

What once was considered as conversation behind closed doors is now discussed in public, while civility and decency are trashed, and truth sacrificed at the altar of competition for profit and rating. The real issues of society like racial and gender equality, justice, equal opportunities in education, jobs, healthcare and protecting the rights of minorities and immigrants have been ignored, causing the public to switch in droves to social media.

Ars Technica

Human beings treasure uniqueness. But instead of turning inward to develop their creative potential and build positive character traits, they turn outward to science and technology. If the ancient Greeks created a pantheon of anthropomorphic deities to reflect the superego, why shouldn’t our generation create robots even if many people feel threatened by them in this embryonic phase of androids walking down the street next to humans and difficult to distinguish? Gods and heroes are a timeless...read more


Recent statistics show that for a population of over 70 million, only 4% of the inhabitants are connected to the Internet due to limited infrastructure and high access costs. Government actions such as shutdowns, alongside surveillance and censorship practices, undermine the development of inclusive Internet society in the central African country.

Getty Images

What is truth? Now that people speak of a post-truth period, could we possibly assume that there were pre-truth and truth eras?


Someone asked whether the younger generations ever read Frantz Fanon. But how can they read Fanon when the education system recommends books that teach children that heads are for carrying loads? The older generations should be grateful then that the youth have not read Fanon, Nkrumah or Cabral, because if they had, they would be out on the streets attempting to tear down the system.
