La lettre a 1566 abonnés à ce jour, donc chaque semaine un peu plus, ET
POURTANT beaucoup ne sont pas encore au courant ! Aidez-nous à la faire
connaître en en parlant ou en la transférant à vos amis !

Un résumé de la lettre en anglais est également publié chaque mois.

Africultures - Lettre d'information 13/2001
semaine du 23.03.01 au 01.04.01

At this Web site you'll find information about Internet access
on the African continent. The details range from information on Internet,
telecommunications to related IT Infrastructure in Africa.

(Salary: $28,000 plus benefits, for full-time work. A part-time arrangement
may be possible.)

Learn about the IT problems facing Africa and how you can help solve them. Register for a FREE CONFERENCE , April 6, 2001.

Cape Town is one of the few cities on the African continent that can make a
claim for being a creative city. News Update's Russell Southwood looks at
what this means, why it's important to the development of new media in
Africa and how Cape Town measures up when looked at from this viewpoint.
