Jun 29-Jul 14 2001 - Zanzibar - a celebration of Dhow culture from the lands that border the Indian Ocean: Africa, the Arabian Gulf States, Iran, the Indian sub-continent and the islands of the ocean itself.

AIDS activists are asking questions after two senior US officials have said that distribution of cocktails of anti-AIDS drugs would be complicated by Africans' inability to tell time.

Depuis 1996, les associations Ymako Téatri, Toucouleurs et Quartier France, organisent le Festival des Arts de la Rue de Grand Bassam, afin de remettre les arts dans leur espace original: la rue, où ils sont accessibles à tous.

This book examines the role of UNHCR in world politics since its founding 50 years ago, its relevance towards reaching solutions to global refugee problems, and its effectiveness as the international community's principal protection mechanism for persecuted populations who have been forced into exile.

Two books chronicle the history of Congo and Africa, from colonial rule to the present.
