Debates about whether GM crops or any single technology are “good for the poor” or can “feed the world” are becoming tired. They tend to discuss GM technologies as if they can be isolated from the wider socioeconomic and political context.

Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG)

In this statement to the press, Food Sovereignty Ghana have announced their intention to appeal against the ruling by the Human Rights Court, Accra, dismissing their application for interlocutory injunction on the commercial release of Bt cowpeas and GM rice.


Within the next few weeks, the number of starving Ethiopians will balloon to 15 million. Some environmental factors are responsible for this food crisis. But the Ethiopian government has been leasing huge tracts of arable land to foreigners. And several months ago, leaked emails revealed that the Ethiopian regime, which is now making appeals for aid and external support, was paying an Italian surveillance firm to illegally monitor journalists critical of the government.

Three Ethiopian activists are facing trial under a draconian counter-terrorism law after trying to attend a food security workshop in Nairobi earlier this year. They are all involved in supporting local communities in ensuring food security and access to land, in a country where around one million hectares of land have already been leased to investors. If you're able to, please consider supporting their families. Click on this .

Although GMOs are widely grown in many parts of the world, the topic is fraught with contention in Europe. Many of EU countries have strict laws against GMOs out of public health and environmental concerns.
