Odomaro Mubangizi


China's huge infrastructural investments in Africa, the frenzied welcome for Obama to East Africa and the planned visit by Pope Francis to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic in November are further evidence of Africa rising.


This year is the deadline for MDGs, and the global community is set to come up with new set of development goals SGs in September at UN summit in New York. The Addis Ababa 3rd International Conference on Finance for Development held last week laid a foundation for further conversation on how to end extreme poverty and pursue the other post-MDG goals.

The newly signed Tripartite Free Trade agreement bears great opportunities, especially in the areas of information technology, agriculture, social and intellectual capital. However, as with previous and future agreements its success depends highly on political will and stability in the countries involved.


Development is often viewed as top-down: Principally the work of government, international actors and other institutions. This village on the Rwanda-Uganda provides a case for focus on the rural political economy as the engine of bottom-up sustainable development.

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The argument pushed by Nkurunziza and his backers for a third presidential term is unconvincing. This, and the fact that many people have really not enjoyed the fruits of peace under his 10-year rule, is what has galvanized relentless opposition to the regime.

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Many black South Africans are yet to enjoy the freedom dividend. This is the primary source of their frustration that needs to be addressed urgently. As one of Africa’s leading nations, the country should also intensify its efforts to realize the dream of pan-Africanism.

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The Islamic militant group Boko haram, which has wreaked havoc in parts of Nigeria, influenced the outcome of this year’s presidential election. These terrorists must be eliminated as the first priority of the new administration, along with other urgent scourges such as endemic corruption.

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In the quest for regional integration, it is helpful to look at some of the less known yet strategic locations such as Katuna for models of emulation and improvement. Katuna offers a model of integration from below.

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Pope Francis has used his soft power to speak progressively against an international system that creates and maintains economic inequality and poverty. This year the pope is expected to travel to Africa - a much needed visit for Africans of all faiths as it will once again remind the world of persistent injustices as well as the vast potential of the continent.

Although the mission of Jesus on earth has always been understood as being spiritual, a closer look at his life and work exposes a social and political philosophy geared to building a better world for all people.
