Seifudein Adem


Ali Mazrui in his ability to comprehend present complexities, anticipated some major scientific theories and predicted a number of dynamics and events in international affairs.

Chinese officials work hand in glove with Africa’s dictators during the day and dine and wine with them at night. American officials criticize African dictators during the day and dine and wine with them at night. So, how does Africa ensure its interests are served?

Much has been written on the subject of Africa’s economic engagement with China. There are those who can be characterized as Sino-optimists versus the Sino-pessimists with the Sino-pragmatists in between. But is it really the case that if one is leftist, one is also likely to be a Sino-optimist?

Whether China’s growing presence in Africa is cause for celebration or caution is a matter that has left analysts scratching their heads in the past decade or so. Perspectives range from Sino-optimism, to Sino-pragmatism to Sino-pessimism
