The unjust neo-liberal law would have given exclusivity on patented seeds to a handful of transnational companies. But Mayans resisted it relentlessly. The success of these protests is an inspiring example of what the people can achieve for themselves when they rise up to confront power in defence of their own interests.

An unacceptable ethical double-standard is evident, where the violent actions of the Israeli state are framed as legitimate, reasonable and deserving of support, and all acts of resistance on the part of the captured and oppressed Palestinians are seen as criminal, immoral and terroristic

Coverage of the Israeli violence in Gaza is poor, especially in South Africa where the media relies on reports from international news organisations. There seems to be too much attention devoted to the rituals of journalism. The truth about the Israeli occupation ought to be told

Two groups of people deeply affected by the genocide are rarely mentioned in the news or the academic literature: the Batwa and children conceived through rape during the genocide


South Africa is a much better place to live in under the ANC, but the former liberation movement delegitimizes itself by failure to redress growing structural inequalities and injustice rooted in apartheid. A leftist party is needed to drive a true democratic revolution
