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The Global Forum for Health Research will hold its fifth annual meet-
ing in Geneva this October.
DATE: 9-12 October 2001
LOCATION: Forum 5: Geneva, Switzerland

The 10/90 Gap in health research: assessing the progress

9-12 October 2001
Forum 5: Geneva, Switzerland

The Global Forum for Health Research will hold its fifth annual meet-
ing in Geneva this October.

Forum 5 will focus on the main concern of the Global Forum: health
research into health problems that affect hundreds of millions of
people. As you know, less than 10% of global investment in health re-
search goes to 90% of the world's health problems. Are we making pro-
gress in changing this disequilibrium?

The meeting will bring together key health research institutions and
decision-makers. Together we will review progress in tackling this
misallocation of funds, identify priority concerns and plan next
steps. Expected results include progress reports on partnership ini-
tiatives supported by the Global Forum for Health Research and on ma-
jor aspects of priority-setting methodologies.

In October 2000, the International Conference on Health Research for
Development in Bangkok proposed an action plan. What has happened
since then? Where are we on the new agenda for more efficient and ef-
fective collaboration in health research? Forum 5 will be an opportu-
nity to follow up on these issues.

Forum 5 will also be a true marketplace, offering opportunities to
participants for informal discussions and meetings on cross-cutting
and other issues in health research. There is no meeting fee; par-
ticipants are expected to cover their own costs, though some funding
is available for those from developing countries who would not other-
wise be able to come to Geneva.

Additional information on the programme and a registration form are
available on our website:

We very much hope you will join us and help us make progress in cor-
recting the 10/90 gap.

Yours sincerely,

Louis J. Currat
Executive Secretary
Global Forum for Health Research
Helping correct the 10/90 gap

Contact address:
Forum 5
Global Forum for Health Research
C/o World Health Organisation
20 avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-791-4260
Fax: +41-22-791-4394
mailto:[email protected]