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The Horizons Project and PSI have conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional study of female condom users, male condom users, and non-users of either barrier method. The goal of this research is to increase understanding of the patterns and dynamics of female condom use in order to inform policymakers and program planners involved in decisions about promotion and distribution of the female condom.

In July 1997, Population Services International (PSI), at the request
of the Zimbabwe National AIDS Coordination Programme (NACP), launched
a social marketing program for the female condom in Zimbabwe. Ap-
proximately one year later, the Horizons Project and PSI conducted a
descriptive, cross-sectional study of female condom users, male con-
dom users, and non-users of either barrier method. The goal of this
research is to increase understanding of the patterns and dynamics of
female condom use in order to inform policymakers and program plan-
ners involved in decisions about promotion and distribution of the
female condom.

Research Summary:

Full Report (available only in PDF on the web):