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I personally find you as annoying and irritating as the ones you criticise for being anti-gay and lesbian. (Is homosexuality really unAfrican? My sexuality is my private business and I do not go round trumpeting it into your head. So why can't you keep yours private for goodness sake! Whether you are attracted to goats or pigs and I am attracted to dogs and cats, let us respect ourselves and keep our prefernces personal and private. That way we do not irritate each other and refrain from over bearing attitudes towards each other. Civilised, isnt it?

Editors reply: You are right. Your sexuality is a private affair. But when the state puts it in the public domain through legislating against non-heterosexuals, when the state or church or police attack or harass such people, then they are putting the matter in the public domain. Gays, lesbians and others have a right to respond to such attacks in the public domain and to organise publicly to proclaim their own humanity. Pambazuka News has a duty to offer space for their voices.