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The November 2013 issue of the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter is now available: Please help us distribute it, and consider contributing in the future. You can also like our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter!


News on Countries of Origin

News on Countries of Asylum

Deportation & Detention News

Conferences & Workshops

Calls for Papers


Rwandan former refugees oppose the need for Rwandan Government passports for their local integration in Zambia

Introducing the Western Balkans Legal Aid Network

A refugee applicant’s lawsuit seeking to cancel the deportation order: The Seoul Administration Court rules in favor of the plaintiff

Humanity vs. Israeli Parliament

Israeli Supreme Court: Being a torture camps’ survivor can be considered as an ‘exceptional humanitarian reason’ for release under the Anti-Infiltration Law

Unpublished decision of the US Board of Immigration Appeals determining that incidents of harassment and discrimination suffered by a ‘pygmy’ from Burundi should have been considered to constitute persecution in the aggregate

Update on the nature and need of protection of Somali refugees in Kenya: In Kenya, UNHCR chief discusses solutions for Somali refugees; Changing the face of refugee protection? The Kenyan High Court affirms the right to dignity and freedom of movement of refugees

Open letter of refugees and persons with international protection status

The European Court of Human Rights (1). Budrevich v. the Czech Republic (no. 65303/10). Violation Article 13 in conjunction with Article 3

K.K. v. France (no. 18913/11). Violation of Article 3 if the applicant were returned to Iran. No violation of Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) in conjunction with Article 3

RT (Zimbabwe) and others (Respondents) v Secretary for State for the Home Department (Appellant); KM (Zimbabwe) (FC) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] UKSC 38

EU and Member State measures to tackle the flow of refugees as a result of the conflict in Syria:

S.S.L -v- Minister for Justice and Equality

Observations by Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists on the case X, Y and Z v Minister voor Immigratie, Integratie en Asiel (C‑199/12, C‑200/12 and C‑201/12) following the Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston of 11 July 2013

Current situation in Algeria

EU must grant asylum to all Eritrean refugees

Lampedusa deaths: identification and the families’ right to know

A gentle reminder to UNHCR: Deciding refugee cases is not just about efficiency

An overview of transfers of asylum seekers from Germany to Italy under the Dublin II Regulation

Australia and South East Asia: Irregular migration and refugee protection

The Reach of the Exclusion clause to the Refugee Convention

Joint NGO statement on international protection, delivered before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva, October 2013N

UNHCR-NGO Annual Consultation Closing Remarks


