IFPRI's 2020 Vision initiative is inviting young people around the world to
share their thoughts on how to feed all the world’s citizens. Students 15 to
18 years old may submit an essay, poem, short story, or other text written
in English on some aspect of world hunger and the best way to eliminate it.

ASFC Africa Iniative is holding a brainstorming meeting on April 20-21, Harare Zimbabwe. AI aims to complement and deepen the work of local, national and regional communities as well as those who work with them in re-thinking the links between the various issues that challenge African lives on a daily basis and to explore newer avenues for collaboration and cooperation in meeting these challenges.

The United States' oldest organizations devoted to analysis and advocacy on African Affairs have successfully negotiated a consolidation of three institutions into one: Africa Action.

TI representatives from 11 African countries adopted the Nyanga Declaration, launching a campaign to repatriate Africa's stolen wealth. The declaration, signed at the regional conference in Zimbabwe, calls for "the sealing of all known loopholes, requiring banks to open their books for inspection where there is reasonable cause to suspect illegal activity, and mandatory liquidation and repatriation of assets known to have been corruptly acquired". The chapters called on members of the United ...read more

Subscribe to GILC Alert, the newsletter of the Global Internet Liberty
Campaign. We are an international organization of groups working for
cyber-liberties, who are determined to preserve civil liberties and human
rights on the Internet.
