
The Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP) is establishing an AIDS Resource Center (ARC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This Center will serve as the hub for AIDS information for journalists, health providers, government departments, and HIV/AIDS organisations and programmes.

They are the forgotten victims of the HIV/AIDS virus that is devastating Africa. Amid the terrible social and economic destruction, all too often it is the elderly who are left to pick up the pieces.

Ethiopia may be facing a major meningitis epidemic with up to 31 million people at risk, an official from the ministry of health warned on Tuesday.

Over five million people will need relief assistance in Ethiopia this year, a drop on previous years due to an improvement in the humanitarian situation and relatively good harvests.

One of the world’s largest animal surveys will be launched in Ethiopia next month. For the first time ever, all the animals in the country are to be counted as part of a massive census by the Ethiopian Central Statistics Authority (CSA).
