
Eight months after the murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso, Mozambican journalists are afraid to cover sensitive stories, particularly those involving corruption, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

It's Friday night and it's the start of a long weekend for most Mozambicans... Rosalina, a receptionist for a South African company in the capital Maputo, was diagnosed HIV-positive early last year. "At first I could not believe it. I also did not want to believe it and for a little while I just forgot about it. But it's not something that you can forget. There is always something in your mind," Rosalina says above the music, but not without checking first that no one is listening.

In March 2001, EHP provided input to USAID/Mozambique in the development of an expanded program of technical assistance for Mozambique's National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). EHP's input builds on lessons learned over the past two years, during which EHP helped national and local authorities improve malaria surveillance in Maputo and develop detailed maps of the distribution of malaria cases and risk ("stratification") in the capital city. For information on the activity, please contact: more

The Mozambican public prosecuting authorities on Tuesday charged six people for the assassination of Carlos Cardoso, the editor of the independent newssheet, Metical. The six, who include businessman Ayob Abdul Satar and former bank manager Vicente Ramaya, were arrested following a six-month investigation.

The interior ministry in Mozambique has dismissed thirty-five police officers after investigations into their conduct concluded they were corrupt.
