
The first Tanzania Media Policy was adopted in 1994 to provide the overall objectives and strategies necessary to ensure sustainable development of the Media Industry in the country. Considerable achievements have been made under the Policy. Here is the new draft Media policy for Tanzania tabled by the Government for discussion, with ARTICLE 19's comments on the draft attached.

An e-book! A plain language guide to Tanzania's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. The Kiswahili version is

A novel urban renewal programme in the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam, has been used at the UN General Assembly's "Istanbul plus 5" special session on human shelter to demonstrate the potential for partnership between communities and local government in improving urban services and amenities.

Over 500 refugees from the Zanzibari islands of Unguja and Pemba were now being registered at Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya in preparation for their voluntary repatriation later this month, UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski reported on Tuesday.

UNHCR says the best solution for refugees is to see them return to their home countries and restart their lives, "but this [repatriation] cannot take place if the conditions in their home countries are uncertain and insecure", UNHCR's external relations officer in Dar es Salaam, Ivana Unluova stated on Tuesday. "In the case of Burundi, we continue receiving refugees from the country who give accounts of fighting, attacks and insecurity," she told IRIN.
