Samir Amin

I was requested by the Pambazuka News editors to give a brief tribute to Samir Amin.  I will do precisely that—a brief tribute to one of Africa’s leading intellectual luminaries, whose intellectual legacy offers great potential for African Renaissance in the 21st century.  

Birgün Gazetesi

Immanuel Wallerstein, one of the close colleagues and comrades in the struggle of Samir Amin, shares a personal experience of working with him. 

Ahram Online

Samir Amin was as ruthless a critic of extreme religious movements as he was of neoliberal imperialism. (Ricardo Ramirez)

The Nordic Africa Institute

Natasha Issa Shivji, a young Tanzanian academic and activist, gives a moving tribute to Professor Samir Amin. 

The Red Phoenix

Samir Amin was an economist and intellectual, that has left his marks on academia, as well as on activists.
