Stock People

The Africa Liberation Day is held amid on-going struggles against imperialist militarism and economic exploitation. 


In this article, the author believes that South Africa's current President, Cyril Ramaphosa, is serving the interests of the British Empire and its capitalist allies and not those of his people, especially Black people who overwhelmingly support the ruling African National Congress. 

African National Congress NEC member Ronald Lamola briefs press on Land in May 2018

The debate on fulfilling the National Democratic Revolution continues in preparation for the 2019 elections in South Africa. 


Using the case of South Africa, the author argues that Black people cannot be racists, as racism is system that employs various means of production for domination, many of which Black people do not possess. 

The Conversation

This paper deals with the misrecognition of the Black student in institutions of higher education and their experiences. It will argue that the misrecognition of Black students in higher education and Black people in general, is not a mistake, but a deliberate consequence of the historically-evolved-globalised project of white supremacy, which has its basis in anti-Blackness. And that the Black student activists of today ought to continue the centuries-old fight of extricating Afrika from more
