Kate Prendergast

Western governments, analysts and pundits are currently displaying the usual pre-performance nerves we have seen so often before the onset of the ‘show’ in the ‘theatre’ of war. Advisers, analysts and markets are engaged in a daily temperature-taking of the situation: of the Bush administration’s propaganda victories and losses; of the true nature of Saddam’s arsenal; to the effects of the military build up on oil prices and equity markets – as the increasingly fragile Western capitalist syst...read more

This weekend, the US will attempt to kill off the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the multilateral body with responsibility for enforcing the Chemical Weapons Convention. In what the activist George Monbiot, in this week’s UK Guardian describes as an international coup, the US this Sunday will finally seek to oust the director-general of the OPCW, a Brazilian called Jose Bustani, after a sustained campaign over the last few months to get Bustani to resign.

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As the US and the UK launch bombs on Afghanistan, the victims of terror will now extend far beyond New York City, to innocent people in Afghanistan and beyond. Even before the western bombs began to fall, in a report published last week the World Bank warned that the victims of the September 11 attacks in the US will extend to millions across the world, and in particular to Africa. The report says that the effects of those events alone will sharply hit economic growth in developing countries ...read more