Joseph Peter Ochogwu

Home away from home

Thousands of kilometres

Where hospitality friendly yet strange

Cuisines at variance with home

Consuming unfamiliar meals

To keep body system in function

Homesick, yet home afar

From nowhere comes the bang

Wow! an invitation from whom?

A dinner from home

Is it home in faraway land?

Yeah, like bridal excitement

All guests sat chatting away

Golda, who is Golda

Golda our more

The piece on the life of one of third world's greatest thinkers Walter Rodney is salutary. His work: 'How Europe Underdeveloped Africa' provides a radical insight to the objective realities of the African predicament. Rodney's contemporaries  who provided relevant views of Africa are worthy of emulation. Their articles in the 'Review of African Political Economy' and other Journals made immense contributions to scholarship. However, these generations of scholars are fast leaving the stage; more

Pambazuka remains the only African centred on-line resource for reseachers, development workers, proactive government workers and the civil society in Africa. Through its service, it has been able to bring about an African wide connected assertiveness among relevant stakeholders on critical issues confronting the continent. It is for Africans, by Africans and for the friends of Africans across the world.

The Darfur crisis in Sudan is one among other evil currents enveloping Africa. While I agree with Mamdani on the similarities of the Darfur crisis with those of Uganda and DRC, the former cannot compared to the latter. The large population of Displaced Persons in Darfur given the very short time frame of Janjaweed operations in the Darfur region requires further interrogation. Mamdani will do well to visit Chad and some other IDPs camp for the Darfur Victims, then a proper understanding more

I read the article written by Joel Bisina (Pambazuka News 167) and it is an interesting and thought provoking insight on the very ugly, sad and degenerating condition of the Nigeria's Niger Delta Region.

There is a marriage of convenience between the Nigerian state and multinational oil companies operating in the Delta areas of the country. This relationship is unhealthy and inimical to the well being of the Delta people and the entire Nigerian people. It is a case of conspiracy with more