Karim F. Hirji

Rubble of the El-Shifa factory

This article recounts a major war crime committed against the people of Sudan in August 1998. Reflecting on the rationale and unfolding of this crime, it examines the veracity of the official claims, the reactions and implications of the deed. The importance of remembering our past in an accurate and unbiased manner is underscored.

A little-known Tanzanian academic who played a big role at the University of Dar es Salaam in the 1970s died on 29 January 2011.

With a hefty peace dividend to pay
Bill Clinton pledged the New Way
To not act as a dovish liberal may
Nor do what the conservatives say

Yet on Iraq as in many other tasks
He fumbled and adorned both masks

Savage sanctions in perpetuity
Weekly random bombings indefinitely
Fishy forages for WMD for eternity
A callous old bipartisan strategy

With robust rhetoric at his baptism
Tony Blair touted a Third Way--ism
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