Pambazuka News 413: Zimbabwe on the edge of the precipice

Regarding , be glad that you have some financial freedom of choice, because people in other places, like Somalia, don't have access to such things. Somalia has been home to over ten years of near continuous civil war, and it isn't likely to let up anytime soon. Industry and development have been slow in the war-torn country, and there isn't a great deal of social mobility, unless of course you happen to be one of the local warlords.

Some citizens have found a way to make themselves a more

In response to on Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem’s article, read more

I lament with Obama's lies about change followed by a reality of ‘no change’. In fact I cried a week after the elections, because I realised that many of us who stand with marginalised, disenfranchised and chained people in Palestine, Cuba and Afghanistan were let in by too much zeal for change.

As a Ugandan, this resonates with me so well. I remember as a child of the 1980s in Uganda that people were so desperate for change. When Museveni came on board, the entire country literally more

Regarding to Ross Herbert’s article, read more

Catherine Irura’s article is just so informative. There are things I simply took for granted, like about women during their menstrual cycle – gosh, just unbelievable yet very true at the same time. Keep up the talk on this – this article speaks out loud and clear about the water and sanitation issues in Africa.
