Patrick Gathara

Politicians of the ruling Jubilee coalition in Kenya and public officials routinely lie to citizens, and the public has come to aept that as normal. This has led to a debilitating cynicism and resignation to the inevitability of deception. When the lies are not just expected but aeptable, when they no longer arouse outrage and when national policies can be built around them, it is evidence that the nation is sick.


Today, barely four years after it was inaugurated with much pomp and ceremony, Kenya’s new constitution is being undone. The Security Amendment Bill introduced in Parliament last week portends the return of the all-powerful, unchecked executive and its intrusion into almost every facet of Kenyans’ lives.

There are renewed efforts by the Jubilee Coalition government in Kenya to silence all critical voices. The latest initiative targets the country’s vocal civil society. This must be resisted.

Kenyans turned out in historic numbers to vote in the recent election. Although there was no violence as had been feared, the exercise was no evidence of a self-confident and mature society. It was dominated by deep fear and mistrust.