Pambazuka News 626: Central African Republic & Fighting global inequality and injustice


The richest 300 people on earth have more wealth than the poorest 3 billion – almost half the world’s population. This is in part a result of neo-liberal policies that have ensured massive transfer of resources from the global South to the North


The UN Special Rapporteur Olivier De Schutter exposed the ‘appallingly poor’ record of the Canadian government on the abuse of the rights of Canada’s indigenous peoples. In a vengeful and contemptuous response the Canadian government withdrew from a United Nations convention that fights droughts and desertification.

PO Bag

An analysis of the factors that produced the recent coup d’etat in the Central African Republic reveals the interests of France, the US and neo-colonial African forces


The EU’s award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 contradicts the fact that its member countries are the biggest exporters of war and arms to the developing world and they are implementing harsh immigration and asylum polices. Protests by asylum seekers and refugees in Germany exposes these realities.

Land grabbing is widely assumed to be happening only in the global South, but an in-depth analysis by a team of researchers shows that land grabbing is also expanding into Europe
