Pambazuka News 643: Economies of misery, genetically modified colonialisms and Trayvon

57 years ago women took to the streets challenging national and gender oppression. Today, South Africa requires a transformation of capitalist property relations which inherently oppress, exploit and abuse women. At the same time more women must be brought into the revolutionary movement as organizers and leaders


Experiencing racism and cultural repression while incarcerated has given poet and writer Nikicia G the inspiration to stand up, fight back, and encourage other women to do the same


Gay, lesbian and HIV-infected refugees fear violent persecution should they return home


Trafficking syndicates operating between Kenya and Tanzania are actively involved in the trade of handicapped children


Political opinion polls are controversial in Kenya especially at election time as some of the pollsters are owned by or allied to certain politicians. But more worryingly, poll results have been mentioned in connection with in inter-communal violence
