Pambazuka News 644: Is Africa rising? Egypt, dreams of freedom, election thieves

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Successive Nigerian governments have should abysmal disregard for the labour rights of public university lecturers. The state willingly enters into agreements with the workers;, only to fail to implement those commitments

It is nearly 20 years since South Africa called itself ‘New South Africa’. But the outcome of Mr. Mandela’s negotiations and his ANC colleagues reveals that they were superficial and tainted with appeasement. Racial oppression has morphed seamlessly into oppression based on economic circumstance


Ethiopia’s elections in 2015 are likely to be similar to the recent Zimbabwean elections that perpetuated a ‘thugtatorship.’ As long as the US and Europe continue to provide endless handouts, Africa is doomed to remain a thugocracy


On 15 July 2013 Samir Amin was interviewed by Beifang, China. He expressed his views that the action of the army was not a coup d’etat as well as the tasks facing the popular movement in Egypt
