Pambazuka News 652: Good and bad examples: Sankara, UPOV 91, Sudan, Tunisia and Western Sahara

Dear readers,

Pambazuka News receives important and interesting articles in Portuguese, which we publish in the Portuguese edition of the magazine. But we believe these articles should also reach our English-speaking readers, hence the need for translation.

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Dear Chambi,

I love this . It is brilliant.

However, I am not convinced of the need to 'collapse' gender, class and race into one grand category called patriarchy .. and wonder how others feel about it?

I don't agree with the idea that patriarchy as patriarchy is a gendering classing and racializing system of domination .... for me, I remain comfortable with the idea of intersecting social forces of patriarchy and neoliberalism and racism [you may assist me in updating more

While studying at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, Sacks became a leading figure in human rights activism, fighting against apartheid and demonstrating his support for the Johannesburg Jewish community

The operation is in no way a “clean up” of the inner city and does not comply with the City of Johannesburg’s existing economic, spatial or urban management policies or by-laws

Africa Contact demands that Morocco releases activist Sidahmed Lemjayed and 24 other political prisoners from Sale prison in Morocco
