Pambazuka News 656: SPECIAL ISSUE: Race relations in Brazil: Speaking truth to whiteness

Discourses on climate change and sustainable development in Africa have been hijacked with terminology such as ‘mitigation’ and ‘adaptation’ that need to be questioned

Despite South Africa’s liberal constitution, gay refugees and asylum seekers face widespread xenophobia and homophobia that does not allow them to seek stable employment nor receive legal redress when discriminated against

There is almost universal confusion, even ignorance, over the true nature of the NATO intervention in Libya two years ago, carried out in the name of protecting the people against their own government of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

There is no dispute that this planet is undergoing climate change; indeed, throughout history, this planet has suffered much more serious climatic assaults on its surface and its inhabitants. The science, however, is confused by the allegation that there is GLOBAL warming.

The much-hyped defeat of the M23 rebels in eastern Congo means little, unless firm action is taken to deter Rwanda and Uganda, both US allies, from destabilizing of the country.
