Pambazuka News 662: SPECIAL ISSUE: Amilcar Cabral and the unfinished African revolution


The ideas and example of Amilcar Cabral are an important link in the global quest for African liberation, a mission that, despite certain appearances and protestations to the contrary, persists. Cabral’s vision provides a theoretical roadmap for conceptualizing true freedom for Africa


Few countries in Africa have achieved total independence, despite the formal end of colonialism, and none have yet been able to liberate the productive forces and place them in the hands of the people. Amilcar Cabral’s thought provides the roadmap to achieve this


To Cabral, the liberation struggle was a revolution to overthrow the oppressive system of domination and exploitation of one human being by another. This has not been fully achieved in Africa, despite the end of formal colonialism. The liberation movements and current regimes lack an astute ideology grounded in the history and aspirations of their own people
