Pambazuka News 688: SPECIAL ISSUE: GMOs, food sovereignty and Africa


GMOs are presented as a magic bullet to the problems of agricultural productivity without seriously examining the alternative route to industrial agriculture. Agro-ecology with an emphasis on ecosystem farming and local knowledge development of African farmers is the alternative that Zimbabwe should adopt


A new propaganda effort to convince Africans is vigorously pursued by corporations and the development industry trying to convince us that we need genetic engineering to overcome malnutrition and food shortages.


African governments are under intense pressure from within but also from big agribusiness and Western governments to embrace GMOs. Governments must resist all forms of arm-twisting and food colonialism and make their biotechnology choices based on the facts


In a response to Mr Rhodes-Vivour’s article on the danger posed by GMOs to the Nigerian population, El-Kurebe now contends that such crusades by a misinformed and gnorant minority are denying the majority of the population the real benefits of genetically modified organisms.


In addition to questions of human health, environmental impact and corporate control over the food value chain, there are a number of other issues which must be addressed as part of the debate around genetically engineered crops and food.
