Pambazuka News 691: US-Africa summit, Gaza and murderous onslaughts

Where is the much-touted Responsibility to Protect with regard to Palestinians? Israel murders people in Gaza with impunity. The world has failed these defenceless and colonised people. It is a big shame

The conflict between Israel and Palestine, currently devastating Gaza, will continue without drastic changes. Workers and youths in the two nations and across the Middle East must unite against the system and build revolutionary democratic governments that serve the people

Campaigners want an award-winning film about the Marikana massacre of 2012 shown on TV so that South Africans can know the truth about the brutal killing of the miners by police in 2012

There is ridiculously high fear-mongering about Ebola. Although this is a serious epidemic, the impression must not be created that humanity is at the brink of extinction. We will overcome Ebola

The contradiction between the supposed origin of our black political class out of the struggle against Jim Crow and its collaboration with Israeli apartheid can't be resolved. We can only save the good name of our own people by calling out the black US collaborators with apartheid, holding them up to derision and ridicule, by sustaining a storm of disapproval and opprobrium until they and the ethnocratic regime in Israel are no more.
