Pambazuka News 698: Haiti and Cuba: Separating heroes from villains

The most horrific police brutality targeting ordinary citizens is a deeply distressing reality in ‘liberated’ South Africa. There is no justice for those who fall victim to these agents of state terror –reminiscent of the dark days of apartheid. How long will this go on?

Britain has a long history of protecting its own interests over the interests of the nations it has occupied, most notably in Africa. This legacy has become relevant recently during Scotland’s referendum for independence. Did Britain adhere to history and intimidate Scotland into voting ‘No’?

Evidently, the existing nation-state model does not successfully handle the global challenges facing humanity. Cosmic state theory proposes a different human organization: a supra-state transcending family, state, market, school, gender, race, party, religious and tribal affiliation. The cosmic state is founded upon the values of peace, justice and sustainable human progress.

Sudanese security forces are holding the students following a crackdown that raises many questions. Some of the students are reported to have been tortured.

On this International Day of Rural Women we, the undersigned organisations, call on African governments to end discrimination against rural women in Africa, especially in their access to traditional leadership roles and inheritance rights.
