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On 25 October 2004, youth supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo called the Young Patriots seized, tore up and prevented the sale of pro-opposition newspapers in the commercial capital of Abidjan. The Young Patriots warned newspaper vendors in different parts of Abidjan, including Yopugon, Port Bouet, Marcory and Cocody, not to sell newspapers considered "pro-rebel", namely "Le Patriote", "Le Liberal Nouveau", "Le Jour plus", "Le Nouveau Reveil", "Le Front" and "24 Heures".

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


28 October 2004

MFWA deeply concerned about attacks on newspapers seen to be "pro-rebel"

SOURCE: Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Accra

**Updates IFEX alert of 27 October 2004**

(MFWA/IFEX) - On 25 October 2004, youth supporters of President Laurent
Gbagbo called the Young Patriots seized, tore up and prevented the sale of
pro-opposition newspapers in the commercial capital of Abidjan.

The Young Patriots warned newspaper vendors in different parts of Abidjan,
including Yopugon, Port Bouet, Marcory and Cocody, not to sell newspapers
considered "pro-rebel", namely "Le Patriote", "Le Liberal Nouveau", "Le Jour
plus", "Le Nouveau Reveil", "Le Front" and "24 Heures".

According to MFWA sources in Côte d'Ivoire, the National Federation of Ivory
Coast Forums and Parliaments (Fédération nationale des agoras et parlements
de Côte d'Ivoire), a movement which comprises pro-government youth groups,
made a decision to prevent the sale of the pro-opposition papers during its
general meeting held on 23 October in Cocody, a suburb of Abidjan.

In an interview with journalists after the meeting, the federation's
president, Idriss Ouattara, said "pro-rebel newspapers would not appear so
long as the disarmament hasn't begun." "We don't want to see pictures of
rebels in Abidjan anymore until the disarmament ends," he added.

In a 26 October letter sent to editors, a newspaper-selling agency,
Edipresse, announced the temporary suspension of the circulation of
newspapers in Agboville, Gagnoa and Soubre, where the pro-government youth
groups had already torn up pro-opposition papers. The agency said it was
also suspending its circulation in Abengourou, Agnibilekrou, Tanda and
Bondoukou, in eastern Abidjan.

Pro-government youth groups have been mushrooming all over Abidjan and
making frequent appearances in public places since the outbreak of the civil
crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in September 2002.

The MFWA is deeply concerned about the attacks on newspapers classified by
Gbagbo's supporters as "pro-rebel." The organisation believes that in Côte
d'Ivoire's current state of "no peace, no war," all sides of the political
divide should be given the opportunity to be heard in seeking an amicable

The MFWA appeals to President Gbagbo to stop the extra-judicial activities
of his loyalists, whose actions seem to be deepening the wounds in Côte
d'Ivoire instead of helping to seek solutions.


Send appeals to authorities:
- condemning the attacks on the newspapers


Président Laurent Gbagbo
Aux soins de Soro K Guillaume
Ministre d'Etat
Ministère de la Communication
BP V 138
Tel: +225 2021 1116
Fax: +255 2022 6203

Bamba Mamadou
Ministre d'Etat
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
BP V 109
Tel: +225 2032 0888
Fax: +255 2032 3839

Victorine Wodié
Ministre des Droits de l'Homme
01 BP 2020
Abidjan 01
Tel: +225 2032 1611
Fax: +255 2032 8101

Please copy appeals to the source if possible.

For further information, contact Jeannette Quarcoopome, Media Foundation for
West Africa, P.O. Box LG 730, Legon, Ghana, tel.: +233 21 24 24 70, fax:
+231 21 22 10 84, e-mail: [email protected], Internet:

The information contained in this action alert update is the sole
responsibility of MFWA. In citing this material for broadcast or
publication, please credit MFWA.
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