South Africa

Stats SA, tasked with conducting the current census has apologised for its inconsistency in collecting data in respect of gay and lesbian couples.

The mother-to-child transmission preventio(mtctp) court case has been set down for the 26th of November. There will be a march in Cape Town on this day to demand that the government implements a country-wide mtctp programme.

An advance party of 230 South African troops arrived in Bujumbura, Burundi, on Sunday as part of a 700-member special protection unit for returning Burundi exiles expected to take part in the transitional government and institutions due to begin functioning on 1 Nov., Burundi army spokesman Col. Augustin Nzabampema told IRIN.

The People’s Budget campaign awaits the Minister of Finance’s first Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) since the publication of the People’s Budget document. In particular, we hope that this year’s MTBPS will lay the foundation for expanded public investment in human development in the 2002/03 budget.

Pharmaceutical companies, AIDS activists and churches are trying to "force" the South African government to dispense AIDS drugs that are "almost as bad as the illness that they are supposed to alleviate," government spokesperson Smuts Ngonyama has said.
