Firoze Manji and Patrick Burnett

The media is replete with images from Niger of dying children grappling with emaciated breasts that have long dried from starvation.The famine in Niger exposes the sham of G8 pledges to end poverty in Africa during and after their recent meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland and the complicity of those aid agencies who said not a word about this when they had accesses to millions of viewers watching geriatric jives during the Live8 concerts.

There is evidence that G8 leaders and more

Pambazuka News was founded as a platform for social justice in Africa. Since its establishment in December 2000, the newsletter has sought to be a vehicle for commentary, debate and information for those committed to the cause of social justice in Africa. The newsletter is now 200 editions old. This article explains the history of the newsletter, its future plans and contains a listing of messages in support of the newsletter.


Today, more than half of more