Pambazuka News 224: The Changing Development Discourse in Africa

By the end of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society this November in Tunis, the role to be played by civil society in bridging the digital gap and democratising communications will be clearly defined. But many activists are less than optimistic about the eventual outcome, reports Inter Press Service. Until now, governments have included civil society and the private sector in discussions on all of the themes addressed, including the most controversial ones, like the more

The Land and Equity Movement in Uganda (LEMU) reports that the District of Apac is typical of most of Northern Uganda, almost completely un-industrialised with few urban centres of any size. In a report, 'Land Rights: Where we are and where we need to go' LEMU states that the population is rural and depends entirely on agriculture for its livelihoods. Mechanisation is rare, so the only productive assets which most households own are land, a few hand tools and livestock.This is described as more

This is a well-written piece of work (See Congratulations.

However the following points are missing:

1. The few permanent staff who are lucky enough to have remained in those privatised firms are turned into casual labourers with very little salaries.

2. Some of the loans given to new investors are a kind of a gift because the lack of transparency makes it difficult to know if they will ever pay back.

3. The removal and exporting of the machineries in such more

Based in the New York office, the Senior Officer for Communications has primary responsibility for ensuring the clarity and excellence of publications, announcements, and other written materials. The Senior Officer develops, oversees and edits all published and internet-based communications, publications, press releases, and announcements as well as relevant internal communications of the Justice Initiative.
