Whereas this press release deals mainly with the commercial "Direct Media Service" in Kenya it is also interesting for health personnel in other countries because the Africa Learning Channel (ALC) broadcasts materials collected from African productions and co-productions and focuses on social development issues such as micro-enterprise development, health, HIV/AIDS, history, English as a Second Language, Conflict Resolution, Economic Development, Women's Issues and Human Rights free of charge...read more

Contrary to what the Monty Python group had to say, spam is neither lovely nor wonderful. So how can Internet users avoid it?

I am trying to get any information about any organisation, which is
still using the LEPSA (LEarner's centred Problem Solving Approach) or
Community Based Health Communication Approach. In the 1980s we used
this method a lot and Dr. Matomora from Tanzania had been a champion.
Of late I have not heard of what is happening on these lines, and I
wonder whether the methods have been dumped or are still in use. If
in use what have are the latest additions, where ...read more

In this issue:
I. New Photos
II. New Equipment, Better Service

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