Britain has pledged more than US $40 million to Ethiopia over the next three years in the first aid agreement since the end of the war with Eritrea.

Website offers free manuals for NGOs and other workers in the South, including "Interviewing and Counselling at the Grassroots" and "How to build a Good Small NGO". Three manuals are also available in French and the Counselling manual in Somali. There is a Resource list and a chance for South-South problem solving.

The Kenya Constitutional Review Commission (KCRC) is charged with drawing up a revised constitution before general elections take place later this year. IRIN interviewed KCRC secretary, Patrick Lumumba, on current prospects for the review process.

A cease-fire agreement in the Nuba Mountains region of Southern Kordofan State, south-central Sudan, is holding, and could lead to a more comprehensive peace in the country, according to a Sudanese diplomat.
