Admissions are now open for the part-time Master's degree in International Human Rights Law starting September 2016. Various scholarships are available and successful applicants will be considered for any for which they are eligible. Admissions close at noon on 22 January 2016.

Please visit http://ihrlmst.conted.ox.ac.uk/ for further information.

We are in need of donations to keep Pambazuka News running as an independent platform for cutting-edge analysis of topical debates within the pan-African world and global South.

You can send you donation through M-Pesa, the Kenyan mobile money system that operates globally. See details .

The October 2015 issue of the International Refugee Rights Initiative’s Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter (formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter) is out. Find the full newsletter .

Report concludes that there is considerable scope for the City to improve the management of informal trade, and that any restriction or prohibition on trade is likely to negatively affect the way that traders make a living as it undermines the benefits that traders derive from permanence.


Amnesty International (AI) has embarked on a 2 year project to strengthen criminal justice mechanisms in Africa in order to ensure justice, truth and reparation for victims of crimes under international law in Africa. The project aims to promote domestic and international accountability, strengthen emerging regional criminal accountability mechanisms as well as counter the existing political backlash and efforts to weaken international justice mechanisms, particularly the International Crimin...read more


The extraordinary and still amazing bravery of the European explorers, facing unknown seas and geography with just scarce scientific tools for orientation and survival has been celebrated. It is an extraordinary demonstration of human determination. That same bravery is displayed by today’s migrants to Europe.

Pambazuka News Team is pleased to announce to its readers and supporters the launch of a new video blog called #PunchBack.

#PunchBack provides comment and analysis of current affairs from a pan-Africanist perspective.

We invite our readers to watch #PunchBack, share the vlog, engage with the issues raised and share your views with us.

A new post of #PunchBack will appear every two weeks in the Comments & Analysis section of your newsletter.


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The current situation involving massive deaths in the Mediterranean of those seeking refuge in Europe and the social restrictions and racist repression they are subjected to in the EU member-states warrants a response from the anti-war and social justice movements.

The September 2015 issue of the International Refugee Rights Initiative’s Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter (formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter) is out. Find the full newsletter .

The incumbent will be primarily responsible for the leadership, management, research programmes, fund-raising and networking responsibilities of the Centre for Civil Society.
