Pambazuka News 398: Primary health care: the global orphan?

I stopped reading at the end of the first paragraph Oloo's .

Oloo forgets alot of things, or maybe he just tries to ignore them. I might be wrong, but i do not think any African in a slum situation cries, nor will he go to his family and whiningly narate his ordeal if he knocks his toe on a stone. (English uses the word tripping for such.)

Of course some do cry. But they know the reason why. (As selfish as it might be) but if he is a perenial crier everyone will know and it more

The 2008 Conference on Refugee Warehousing presents a unique opportunity to learn about the issues and join the global movement to end the human warehousing of refugees. Learn from experts and activists in the field. Keynote speakers Dr. Barbara Harrell-Bond of the American University in Cairo and Merrill Smith of USCRI and will kick off the conference with an inspiring talk about how you can help stop this inhuman practice.
