Pambazuka News 704: Dismantling the one-party Planet

There are legitimate concerns in the Afrikan community and among police accountability advocates about racist policing in racialized working-class communities. After years of denial, racial profiling of Afrikans by the cops in Toronto is now a well-documented fact.

The late leader was not a visionary. No one can point out to exactly what he stood for in the transformation of the Zambian nation. In their search for a leader to replace Sata, Zambians must awaken to the reality that a person’s popularity is not sufficient.

Nigeria is facing its worst existential crisis since the Biafra war. There is no alternative other than approaching the Boko Haram threat as a war.

Funds are needed to fight Ebola; yes, people are suffering; yes, it can be good to “do good”. But it is never good to parade the suffering of others without their consent, especially when showing them stripped of dignity.

Who is a feminist? And what does it mean to identify oneself as such? This poem provides a persuasive perspective for answering these and related questions.
