Pambazuka News 758: White, male and rich: The power of skin colour


Paul Kagame has long been the darling of prominent liberals such as Bill Clinton, Samantha Power and Tony Blair. But it’s becoming ever more difficult to publicly back the bloodstained Rwandan dictator.


That the value of a brand so ubiquitous that it straddles both the in and outside of society is kept off its books is one of the wonders of the accounting world. Yet when Coke and other large multinationals are allowed to withhold, or hold in secrecy, the value of core business intangibles while charging confidential expenses against these assets, it not only distorts the market but also facilitates gross transfer pricing manipulation and drastically undermines taxes owed to governments.


White supremacy and anti-Blackness define the essence of Black suffering. But in South Afrika today, racism is often horribly and deliberately misdiagnosed because of the hegemonic hold that the ideology of white liberalism continues to have over Black political discourse and practice.


The richest 62 persons now control more than half of the world’s money, according to a new Oxfam report. Total wealth of these individuals is the same as that of the world’s poorest 3.6 billion people. The rich-poor gap is growing wider. The ultra-wealthy group of persons is getting wealthier.


I thought I’d become immune to the indignities of travelling with an African passport, but an encounter last month proved me wrong.
