PAMBAZUKA NEWS 121: Liberia: Why ceasefires, peacekeeping and power sharing are not enough

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In the last few weeks there have been a multitude of viruses circulating over the Internet.

In some limited cases, the name Pambazuka has been adopted by these viruses, which can create the erroneous impression that an email carrying a virus has originated from Pambazuka News. We would like to stress that this is not as a result of a virus being sent through the Pambazuka News mailing list, but rather as a result of the virus adopting a spoofed more

The voting in Rwanda’s first democratic elections was completed peacefully on 25 August, and a landslide victory for the incumbent President Paul Kagame of the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) has been declared. African Rights congratulates the people of Rwanda on their courage and commitment to democracy. They, their newly elected President, and concerned members of the international community should now all move forward in a positive spirit to focus upon the many social, economic and more

"I will never forget the fateful day I returned home sick from work. I got into bed and asked the people I was living with to help me and buy some Panado and Med-Lemon. I gave them R5 for the medicine, but they bought poison instead. When I took the tablets I immediately lost consciousness. That was when they threw the paraffin on me and set it alight. I woke up weeks later in the hospital's intensive care unit where I was kept alive with the support of oxygen, drips and blood. When I more

Afrikaner rugby hero Geo Cronje has been kicked out of the Springbok squad for refusing to share a room, or shower, with Cape Town's Quinton Davids. The bearded giant sparked a bitter racial row that has thrown South African rugby into turmoil just two days before the World Cup squad is announced.

Peace is crucial to sustainable societal development. Although some cynical students of history may sneer at this generalisation its veracity in the context of Liberia is unchallengeable.

Unfortunately, peace in Liberia is being built on the faulty premise that the physical extraction of one man (i.e. Charles Taylor) from the stage of conflict, a ceasefire, peacekeeping and a power sharing formula ‘acceptable’ (for the time being) to various factions and warlords will lead to a more
