PAMBAZUKA NEWS 216: Economic Partnership Agreements: territorial conquest by economic means?

Patrick Burnett and Firoze Manji

Why should anyone be interested in the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries?

Behind the herd of acronyms, obscure economic jargon and polite euphemisms, lies a pernicious programme that threatens to subjugate the economies of African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to the needs of European capital. Schatan once wrote of world debt more

The interview with Prof Issa Shivji is in many respects straight outright which, is what I think, lacks within the African leadership as they dine and wine around diplomatic polemics while the ordinary people suffer from the outcome of indecision by its leadership. The comment by Prof Shivji sends strong signals that Africans are intelligent and know exactly where problems emanate: "….It is African leaders who like poodles dance to the tune; the African people in their villages have little more

I was reading the topic of tsunami in Zimbabwe with a great sympathy to my friends in Zimbabwe. It appears to me that the land reform we have been hearing of is in havoc'. The people who were supposed to be allocated land are all in an urban area doing illegal dealings etc etc...At this point of time I think Africans should stand up and say dictatura proliata no more - what we need may be dictatura economica'.

Really appreciated Makeda Tsgaye's article about the need for accountable African leadership and governance. Throwing more money at the "problem" of Africa will make little difference to the lives of most Africans. Africa has most of what we need already to manage and develop ourselves, the missing ingredient is accountable governments.

I could not but agree more. Being born in Belgium and having lived the events of Congo in the 60's, I know all about it and the involvement of the CIA in the murder of Patrice Lumumba and the manipulation of the Belgian doctors of the population, preparing for the Genocide that is still going on as I am writing this e-mail. It is appalling how ignorant the majority of the people are including the murderous moron we have for a President.
