Pambazuka News 396: Darfur, the ICC and the new humanitarian order

Dibussi Tande reviews this weeks blogs, including

Moses Paul Sserwanga
Thinking Aloud
Blackman Time
Abesha Bunna Bet more

Stars Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the 2009 STARS Impact Awards recognising organisations working in children’s health, education and protection. Each Award carries US$100,000 of unrestricted funding as well as consultancy support. For information on previous Award recipients and this year's finalists, please visit the website. The closing date for applications is 28 November 2008.

The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law at the University of Ottawa would like to announce an upcoming conference: "Climate Law in Developing Countries Post-2012: North and South Perspectives" from September 26th to the 29th. This conference will examine the legal and policy challenges that developing countries face in mitigating and adapting to climate change while meeting their social and economic needs.

Joyce and Tanya - two women of different ages, nationalities, cultures and religions - share something: both became victims of a missing goal. Combating violence against women is what Inés Alberdi, executive director of the U.N. Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), calls the missing goal, because it is not an issue addressed by the U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The past week has been a wild roller-coaster ride down the troughs of capitalism and up the peaks of radical social activism. Glancing around the world from those peaks, we can see quite a way further than usual.

First, look to Wall Street where Monday's stock market crash was worse than any since the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001, and where one investment bank after the other faces ruin or bale-out – three of the USA’s five largest flushed down the toilet.

Fourteen more
