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26-30 April 2004, Harare, Zimbabwe

AFRODAD (African Forum and Network on Debt and Development) and MWENGO (Mwelekeo wa NGO), a reflection and development centre for NGOs in East and Southern Africa will be holding an Activist Learning Workshop on the 26th to the 30th April 2004, in Harare, Zimbabwe. This is the second workshop, the first being held successfully in March 2003. The workshop will focus on learning for activism targeted at policy activists.

Activists' Learning Workshop II 26-30 April 2004, Harare, Zimbabwe

AFRODAD (African Forum and Network on Debt and Development) and MWENGO
(Mwelekeo wa NGO), a reflection and development centre for NGOs in East and
Southern Africa awill be holding an Activist Learning Workshop on the 26th
to the 30th April 2004, in Harare, Zimbabwe. This is the second workshop,
the first being held successfully in March 2003. The workshop will focus on
learning for activism targeted at policy activists. This workshop is for
those who feel that advocacy should and can do more to make their work more
effective. If you would like learn and share insights and inspirational
advocacy experiences, then this workshop is for you. Why not come and get a
better understanding of activism and social movements, of strategies and
tools for effective advocacy. The invitation is open to organisations based
on the African continent.
Participants are expected to cover their own travel costs. Participants from
Harare are expected to pay a workshop fee of USD100/ local equivalent. The
workshop organisers will cover accommodation and subsistence costs. The
closing date for applications is the 5th of March 2004.
If you are interested in attending this workshop, please contact:
Kudzaishe Sengurayi on [email protected]
MWENGO, phone 263-4-700090/ 721469/
091235038; fax 263-4-738310
or Barbara Kalima [email protected]
AFRODAD, phone263-4-702093; fax 263-4-702143
(please cc all correspondence to both the contact people for easier