Pambazuka News 627: Thatcher and Africa, NGOs, racism and rape

Let the government of Nigeria proceed with an amnesty for Boko Haram. But it should also announce a package of compensation for individuals and organizations that suffered injustice at the hands of terror group


The overwhelming majority of non-governmental organisations do more harm than good to livelihoods and sustainable developments in Africa


Massive human rights violations are taking place in the US and contradict American efforts to project itself as a champion of human rights, even as it subverts governments around the world, engages in high-tech terrorism and kills its own citizens

The spiritual transition of Cde Gqobose to his Creator and to the ancestors is not to be mourned, but to be celebrated with gratitude to God who lent Gqobs to this family and to South Africa and indeed, to humanity as whole


The question of rape has not received adequate attention in Nigeria. It must be emphasized that women have a right to their own bodies and sexualities
