Pambazuka News 701: 'You cannot kill ideas: The return of Thomas Sankara

There are renewed efforts by the Jubilee Coalition government in Kenya to silence all critical voices. The latest initiative targets the country’s vocal civil society. This must be resisted.

The proposed law, an almost exact replica of Sudan’s security laws, would grant the already dreaded agency entirely unfettered power to spy on private communications, to search and seize property without a warrant, to arrest and detain innocent people without explanation, and to use physical force – in other words torture.

Africa’s handling of the Ebola crisis reveals its collapsed institutions and failed leadership. What is more, the epidemic underlines the need to work harder for a really united Africa.

The worsening Ebola crisis in West Africa exposes the extent of capitalist plunder of the continent. The natural wealth of the affected countries has over the years been looted by foreign corporations, with puppet governments investing little in health care. The people ought to organise and severe links with the imperialist centres

The revived regional integration process is on course. But it is largely a project of politicians and bureaucrats. There is scant involvement of the people. For the community to integrate meaningfully, the process needs to be grounded in the aspirations, needs and futures of the citizens.
