Pambazuka News 738: Unmasking Obama, liars and zionists


Can you imagine a bunch of white players going to South Africa in the 1980s and partying it up, sending out tweets about how wonderful it is, and basically sending the message that the oppression of Black people in Azania doesn't matter? That it's not important? That's the message the players sent out by participating in the sham trip with zionists.


No American president has the moral authority to lecture Africans about human rights, when America is itself so rife with egregious violations of the rights of Black people and when America supports criminal regimes around the world.


Last week, President Obama declared that Ethiopia has a “democratically elected government”. That is the country where in May elections, the ruling party won all the 547 seats in parliament, thrashing all the 78 other parties. If there ever has been an election won by one party by 100 percent that is democratic, then there is indeed the famous purple cow that nobody has ever seen or the pink elephant that people like Obama see often.

The proposed law contravenes provisions of the constitution that require public participation in national affairs, a culture of openness and subordination of the military to civilian oversight.


Does the Bible actually condemn homosexuality, as widely believed? How should Christians treat their gay brothers and sisters? What should be the correct teaching about this controversial issue? In this three-part article, a church minister who has considered this matter extensively attempts to answer these and related questions.
