The National Council for Research on Women and the Center for the Study of Women and Society at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York has announced a Rockefeller-funded humanities fellowship programme.

Despite dwindling funds from Danish government for Southern Africa, the Danish government has channeled funds to the Permanent Commission for Human Rights in Zambia.This funding will help to effect the repatriation of illegal immigrants languishing in Zambian prisons.

National Development Agency officials are flouting the agency's own funding procedures. This has emerged after 60% of it's total allocated funds went to KwaZulu-Natal between May 2000 and December last year,
the province which happens to the Executive Director's home province.

Minister of Finance Trevor Manuel has denied suggestions at the World Economic Forum that South Africa seeks to apply for grants from the newly formed international Aids fund.

Bill Gates has announced $50-million grant to help curb the HIV/Aids scourge internationally.
