Plans are afloat to save more than 11 000 Zambians from loosing their jobs through imminent closure of Canola Copper Mines (KIM). The Zambian government and the world bank have come up with a strategic plan to avoid serious repercussion this might have for the country's budget and economy.

The Umsobomvu fund, established by government in 1998 to aid job creation and skills transfer to the youth, this week announced a R17-million joint venture with the National School of Accounting to offer bridging courses for post graduate students who want to be chartered accountants in SA.

The Reuters Foundation, which runs fellowship programmes for mid-career journalists, is currently taking applications for the next round of fellowships with a focus on environmental journalism.

In celebration of International Women’s Rights Day The Human Rights Institute of South Africa will be launching a Women’s Rights Training Manual and conduct a workshop on the use of the manual.

Daily Labour News from SA is brought to you as a free service by the Congress of South African Trade Unions and SAMWU.
